For the past few days I have been struggling to install WordPress (manually, rather than using the Synology Wordpress package, so that I can have multiple sites) on my Synology 216-Play box, and hit many problems which I have managed to work my way through (or round) using tips from various internet forums, and the excellent musings of 'Sridhar' on his blog
He admits that his blog does not tackle the problem of access from outside your local network, which I was keen to do, so what follows is a combination of Sridhar's suggestions along with some of my own which together seem to work.
I don't guarantee that they will work for you, but I hope they might give you some help if ever you want to try the same.
There were quite a few unforeseen problems along the way, many down to the odd quirks in the Synology software, so if you want to read my solutions to those, please read the following posts which will appear shortly.
Many thanks,
Robert Eadie
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